
Introduction Post: Not Racist! Merely a Living Cliché [Writing]

Hello, Entire Internet!

I'm starting another blog (!) to connect with writers about writing, as well as provide a forum for people who would like to write and don't know where to start (like me!).

Not to mention all the fun blogging learning that will [continue to] be happening! For instance, this blog looks completely different from the one I made 2 hours ago. THAT BLOG was called "Northern Writes" and I had it themed around cool lights, Northern fonts, etc. Now, I'm no dummy. I checked Google to see if Northern Writes was already a "thing" and it wasn't!! [Me: How has no one thought of this great idea/ writing pun before me!! Maybe I am as brilliant as I think I am!] Ohhh, but they had. Apparently "Norther Lights" isn't a thing. Everyone and their dog had thought of Northern Lights. Okay, slight set back. Plan B:

Kung Fu Writing! So cute and funny! And we're getting our writing CHOPS! Nope! Totally a thing.

You are welcome to use any of the following rejected titles:

Bloody Well Write [keeps that part of the song in my head FOREVER]
Go Write Ahead
Just Write for Me
The Write Stuff [too NKOTB-y]
Two Wrongs Make a Write
Because the Write [Belongs to Lovers? idk]
Boogie Writes [too innuendo-y]
Hell of a Write
Let’s Spend the Write Together
Let’s Make a Write to Remember
Write Train… [of Thought... I can hear the boo's from here]
Some Writes
Strangers in the Write
Waiting for the Write
[Oh] What a Write!
That’s All Write with Me
A Thousand Writes [I like this one, and am sure I discovered it this time...]
Bright Writes*
Write My Fire*
Write the Universe*
You Write Up My Life*
Paperback Writers [It's different because I added the "S"]
Can’t Write This Feeling
Kung Fu Writing :'(
Such Great Writes [??? One of my favourite songs, but maybe too niche-y?]
A Writer Shade of Pale
The Write Walkers [too HBO]
Am I Write? Or Am I Write.

* Any word beginning with an "L" and changed to "write" just sounds racist. I guess Northern Writes being off the list is just as well!

My Credentials:
You may be wondering: who is this rando' woman who feels she can facilitate connections between aspiring writers and their inner artist, and possibly share their works with the entire known universe?! Let's see...

1. How dare you.* 

2. I started a fledgling writing group with a few friends called the PUBlishers (copyright: Ty) and we tried to meet once a month to discuss our writing adventures (or lack thereof). But people are busy, and coordinating was a bit of a challenge, especially for those of us with unreliable energy levels. I began our group by borrowing ideas from Natalie Goldberg's Writing Down the Bones (all the best writers steal from each other. It's like I've always said, "why reinvent the wheel!?") and will continue on with hers and others' books on writing.

3. I'm crazy hilarious and can't get enough of myself, written or otherwise!

4. I'm flying high from my immediate success of 13 (that's 1 - 3, people!) followers on my other blog: spinningjennysbookblog.blogspot.ca wherein I blog about books I like. It's pretty wild. (maybe I should have called this: "My Other Blog's a Corvette"... or a black '67 Chevy Impala... and Jensen Ackles is my driver... Jennnsennnn.... sorry. I'm back.)

5. I'm crazy over-educated and don't remember anything from my B.A. (Major: English), or B. Ed (Major: Early Childhood Education)

* Stolen from writing idol Mindy Kaling with her blessing. Probably.

My Plan:
I hope to have a weekly writing prompt and [stolen] writing idea. I would also like to post/ link to the bravest souls' rough/ practice work to share with "the people." I too will share my *ahem* written gold, unless it's super awful.**

For the purposes of this writing blog/ club/ family, you only need to write for 20 minutes, ideally using the prompt, but it's not necessary! I feel there will need to be a word limit if I'm posting for people, but I don't want to get ahead of myself and my immediate and inevitable Super-stardom. And really, it's none of my business if you use the prompts or any advice! I do a LOT of talking to internet air, and I assume this blog will be no different. But hey, it keeps me off the meth...

** I fully anticipate sticking with this "weekly" idea for a few weeks and then possibly dropping off. It's kinda my thing. But I won't give up on us!

My Reason for Another Blog:
I was inspired by a really cool book: Lips Touch: Three Times wherein Laini Taylor, who USED WRITING PROMPT EXERCISES to construct the three award-winning short stories about kissin', n' stuff. She and her [Canadian] friend used their site: http://sundayscribblings.blogspot.ca/ and have 400 prompts on there! They have a new site: http://sundayscribblings2.blogspot.ca/ but just to warn you, the writing prompt today is: SEVEN. That's it. With the added suggestion: "be creative."

I'm going to post links to other writing sites, and try to add the link-thingy where people can link to their own stories, or e-mail me their story and I'll post it. Basically it's a work in progress, and I'm just trying to figure sh*t out.

So, here it is! First Post! Huzzah! To go with First Post will be First Prompt:

Richardson Ground Squirrel: Friend or Foe?

An alternate writing prompt is: Shameless Pandering, Does it Work for You or Against You?
- Writing can be fiction, non-fiction, or any genre in-between

Well, I've been Spinning Jenny, and this is Spinning Jenny Writes Presents: Such Great Writes.

That frickin' sucks.

Edit: Whilst Dennis and Alice Jr. were arguing about who was right MORE OFTEN THAN NOT, my mom said, "Hey! When I'm Write!" And When I'm Write, I'm Write was born. "Such Great Writes." Pah! Where's Judy when you need her?! (In the backseat, that's where!)

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