
Continuing to Steal From Natalie's Wheel [Writing]

Okay! Next post already! My plan is to present you with ideas from real, honest-to-goodness writers, and then end with a PROMPT. If the 2 can be combined, bully for us!!

Still Learning From:

Publisher: Shambhala

Published: 1986

[I forgot to mention from the PUBlisher's last meeting that we talked about Goldberg recommending reading books in the same genre that you're wanting to write in. I'm wanting to do some family history stuff, so I'm trying to focus on memoirs and historical fiction.]


* Writing Practice:

The more writing practice you do, the better you get. This may seem obvious, but she compares it to people who exercise [e.g. runners] and how you have to initially force yourself to get going, but then you get into a groove. (Many people who are physically healthy have promised me this as well, but I think I'm one of  those rare flowers where exercising just makes them angry and resentful.)


20 Minute Free-Writing Exercise #1 (With Prompt)

 Okay! So I just tried doing the 20 minute writing thingy on my laptop, and am surprised at how little I wrote! Maybe writing by hand is also helpful in filling more pages, like those models who eat Kleenex to feel fuller; it's not REALLY more, but feels better? An awful thing to say, but THEY'RE THE ONES THAT ATE KLEENEX, so I feel justified.

So I'll share my "Free Thought Writing"/ 1st Attempt with Writing Prompt, which, in hindsight, are the antithesis of one another. It's not really "Free Thought" if I'm telling you to write about Prairie Gophers* (a.k.a. Richardson Ground Squirrels) and/or Pandering. Hey! Learning! And really, it's probably just my mom reading this (awwww!) so I think she'll let it go because she's biased and thinks her children are the Bee's Knees. Or the Gopher's Whiskers. (Totally a thing.)


Writer Ketchup! What We've [Not] Done So Far! [Writing]

As I previously mentioned, The PUBlishers met a few times with the common interest of trying to write/ getting into the habit of writing.

Meeting One (January 29th):

Pulling from Writing From the Bones, I provided "fun" coiled notebooks. Goldman recommends writing by hand, but this book was written in 1986 when we actually used to do that. According to Goldman (apparently the queen of those that can't do, teach) get a fun notebook and a smooth-writing pen, as writing by hand connects one to THE SOUL. Many of us in 2016 have our souls plugged in to various electronic devices via USB cords. I find writing by hand difficult but worthwhile, but can just as easily type this gold on my laptop.


Introduction Post: Not Racist! Merely a Living Cliché [Writing]

Hello, Entire Internet!

I'm starting another blog (!) to connect with writers about writing, as well as provide a forum for people who would like to write and don't know where to start (like me!).

Not to mention all the fun blogging learning that will [continue to] be happening! For instance, this blog looks completely different from the one I made 2 hours ago. THAT BLOG was called "Northern Writes" and I had it themed around cool lights, Northern fonts, etc. Now, I'm no dummy. I checked Google to see if Northern Writes was already a "thing" and it wasn't!! [Me: How has no one thought of this great idea/ writing pun before me!! Maybe I am as brilliant as I think I am!] Ohhh, but they had. Apparently "Norther Lights" isn't a thing. Everyone and their dog had thought of Northern Lights. Okay, slight set back. Plan B:

Kung Fu Writing! So cute and funny! And we're getting our writing CHOPS! Nope! Totally a thing.