
Continuing to Steal From Natalie's Wheel [Writing]

Okay! Next post already! My plan is to present you with ideas from real, honest-to-goodness writers, and then end with a PROMPT. If the 2 can be combined, bully for us!!

Still Learning From:

Publisher: Shambhala

Published: 1986

[I forgot to mention from the PUBlisher's last meeting that we talked about Goldberg recommending reading books in the same genre that you're wanting to write in. I'm wanting to do some family history stuff, so I'm trying to focus on memoirs and historical fiction.]


* Writing Practice:

The more writing practice you do, the better you get. This may seem obvious, but she compares it to people who exercise [e.g. runners] and how you have to initially force yourself to get going, but then you get into a groove. (Many people who are physically healthy have promised me this as well, but I think I'm one of  those rare flowers where exercising just makes them angry and resentful.)

* Make goals

 (Goldberg in 1986: to fill one notebook a month, no matter the quality!;
 Me: to write everyday in some form or another)

This week's prompt is brought to you by Natalie:
"Sit down right now. Give me this moment. Write whatever's running through you. You might start with 'this moment' and end up writing about the gardenia you wore at your wedding seven years ago. That's find. Don't try to control it. Stay present with whatever comes up, and keep your hand moving" (17).
After my experiment with "20 minutes" + prompt, I think a good goal for writing prompts would be to write about 500 - 1000 words... I'm basing this on the fact that I typed 578 words in 20 minutes. If I'm feeling particularly obsessive-compulsive I might count how many words I can WRITE in 20 minutes to compare.* Goldberg's main point is that you have a flow of writing "in the moment" so that there are minimal distractions or disturbances. Also, maybe start with the 20 minutes goal, and move up the stronger your writing claw becomes!

This is what hands used to look like before e-mail was invented.**

Okay!... Um... GIVE'R!!!!
~ Spining Jenny

* 533 (I counted words from an older 20 min. exercise in my schmancy journal. May be faster to type, but seems more personal by hand...)

** Taken from a drawing site:

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