
Celebrating Canada Day as God Intended!

day 29


Hello [meat & veg] soup fans!

There's been some radio silence from me due to energy challenges/ stress levels at the ol' abode (just googled that to make sure I didn't say ol' commode by accident... although sometimes it can FEEL like we're in the shitter?).


Sunshine, Lollipops and "The Apnea" (Doo-doo-doo-doo!)

day 15...

Excuse me, I seem to have dropped my rose-coloured glasses...

So Blair survived me this week. No, you read that right. I was a HUGE pain in the tuckus! APPARENTLY the cult bloom is off the cult rose.*


More Than One Way To Skin a Chicken! (WEEK TWO!!)

day 9:

Even though I'm feeling really great, and have been enjoying the food we're cooking, I'll admit that today I looked in the fridge for lunch and thought, "I have no effing idea what to cook." So I was a tad lazy and just had my leftover steak from last night. Which turned out to be not-so-bad, as I hadn't CLOSELY read my Paleo slow cooker recipe which asks for a whole chicken (I can do that!) that you need to SKIN before stuffing and slow cooking.

Now, I'm getting more confident in the kitchen, and am willing to make some mistakes, but for the love of all things holy! Part of the reason I was a vegetarian is because I don't like handling raw meat (insert Ty joke here... insert Jay joke there after Ty's joke...) and that's also the reason I don't cook often. Because MEAT IS GROSS. It tastes wonderful (especially when cooked by others), but I don't like how we obtain it as a society in general. Also, while we would LOVE to eat grass-fed organic blur-blur-blerg, it's SO EXPENSIVE! But even after all THAT is said and done, there's still an anatomy question. Different cuts. Handling. Blech.

I had 2 choices: a) wait for Blair to get home and eat dinner at 10pm when it finished cooking, or b) put on my big girl panties and get it DONE. What would YOU do, fair reader?


I Am Going To Be So Amazingly Humble After This

day 5...

Hey guys! Just checking in to let you know:

1. I'm alive. It was touch and go there the first 5 days,* but I think Blair and I are starting to level out? I had a 24-hour headache which was unpleasant and I'm sure due to the detoxification of my body from the heroine-sugar everyone's slingin' these days!! Bonus: I went to my sister's house (way, way far away) DESPITE my Day of Headache, toughed it out, and had a great time!! Normally Migraine Jenny would be out for the day and night, so I was happy that I could choose to work around my baggage which was one of my goals: being able to opt out of things on my own terms rather than from physical/ mental blah-ness. (Hurrah!)

I was SUPER grumpy the next day (also perhaps because I had to go to work on a lovely spring day!) and posted this on Instagram:

Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)


This is How Whole30 Begins...

Not with a bang but a whimper. (I wonder if T.S. Eliot is rolling over in his dust particles right now?)

day 1: