day 29
Hello [meat & veg] soup fans!
There's been some radio silence from me due to energy challenges/ stress levels at the ol' abode (just googled that to make sure I didn't say ol' commode by accident... although sometimes it can FEEL like we're in the shitter?).
On the one hand, if we could handle a stressful month like this without booze or "eating our feelings" then we should be able to keep on keepin' on! I know I'm preaching to the Calgary choir about how stressful layoffs are, and our economy sure is in the commode right now!! Not sure if it's better to be the laid off, or the "laid on"/ survivors... Maybe it depends on if you're left in an old farm outhouse, or having a warm, pampered tooshie listening to soothing tones from a schmancy Japanese toilet... [would you like your bidet clockwise, or counter-clockwise today, m'lady?]. Is there ever a Japanese toilet? Or is the ceramic always cleaner on the other side?
So many poop metaphors today... |
I too have my challenges at work, but really, it's used books not rocket science. We've had health challenges with the head honcho, so it's just maintaining the ol' status quo until we hear otherwise!
With all of this looming, I can still cue the cliché DRUM ROLL because....
Blair and I celebrating 29 days. We're 39 here. |
We did 29 (soon to be 30) days of eating right! Apparently we didn't have enough vegetables (which is a LAUGH to me, as I've never eaten so much rabbit food in my entire gd life), but overall it was a great experience!! I LOVED not eating out all the time, and that money could go to all the groceries we needed! It is tiring though.
Hubby has been working out at his friend's gym (Frontier Performance) with a vengeance, and (I believe) feeling pretty good! I'm not exactly where the Whole30 Uber-Masters promised I'd be, but that's okay! I'm going to continue on while trying to exist in the real world (and figure out my new role as a sister-wife. Always read the fine print, Jennifer!). Which brings me to SUSHI!!
Starting July 1st we get to take one of the banned food groups** (grains, legumes, dairy, sugar, booze, etc.) and have some! Then on the 2nd and 3rd we go back to our Whole30 plan to see if there's any negative effects... I picked RICE because I literally haven't had sushi in an entire month. I had a nightmare the other night where I was at Sushi Boat and couldn't reach the boats. A NIGHTMARE, people.
I'm not going to go crazy and eat everything. Most yummy yummy poison will be enjoyed like this:
Mmmm.... natural fibres.... |
And even though I know that the gluten day isn't going to be great, I'm still going to eat a doughnut. One could call me a gluten for punishment!!
But seriously! Other than missing the OPTION of having a doughnut, I'm not having sugar cravings, which is AMAZING/ a Christmas miracle. And I definitely don't miss poopy fast food.
What I'm TRYING to say is... we need to win the lottery and hire a personal chef. (I hear they're working for literal peanuts in our economy! Ba-dump-bum!)
Anyway, have a wonderful Canada Day 150! I watched a great documentary called Canada in a Day (on CTV at 9 pm on the 1st for the oldies staying home) which was shot by thousands of Canadians all over the country (and world!) on the same day, and it was beautiful! They talked about how we're not perfect (far from, in some cases!), but how most people love being Canadian, and why. I highly recommend it.
Thanks for reading!!
~ Jenny
* I failed music class. That's the drum sound, right?
** I know EXACTLY which person just said "sugar and booze aren't food groups!" And, yes, they bloody are when you don't have them for 30 days!!
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